So.. This year SVS was SO lovely! ;W; (I'm a bit late with the update I know. XD)
But I had so much fun, and I really REALLY enjoyed it.
Friday I cosplayed as Ryoga from Ranma½ together with Sidsel who was my wonderfull Ranma-chan ♥
Love Lea in the bagground XD;
We had so much fun me and her, and specially on the stage. XD; I haven't subbed the video yet, so I haven't uploadet it, but hopefully I'll do it soon. ^^
Saturday was DARK day. OwO Holy monly I've never got so many compliments as I did that day. XD
Anyways, Saturday evening the cosplay show was held. Again I had so much fun on the stage. XD
Not just because of some random people screaming things like "I love you" and "I want to give birth to your children" but because Lea and I was totally enjoying making fun of the lovely charakters that we cosplayed. XD
Anyways here iss some pictures and a uploade from the show with subs. ^^
This was our casual clothing. >__> I fail when I'm beside Lea. She rocks!
I ♥ U, Lea XD
Okay, Sunday was more relaxing,. I was a idiot to kill my cosplay, but I love beeing Kai, So I had fun as long as I could. XD
Have fun~